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com.skytree.epub.PageInformation Class Reference

Public Attributes

int code
int bookCode
int chapterIndex
int numberOfChaptersInBook
int pageIndex
int numberOfPagesInChapter
String chapterTitle
Highlights highlightsInPage
double pagePositionInChapter
double pagePositionInBook
String pageDescription
int startIndex
int endIndex
int startOffset
int endOffset
String datetime
int pageIndexInBook
int numberOfPagesInBook
int firstCharacterOffsetInPage
int textLengthInPage

Detailed Description

PageInfomation class contains information about a specific page of epub.


Member Data Documentation

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.bookCode

the code of book

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.chapterIndex

the index of the chapter that this page belongs to

String com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.chapterTitle

the title of this chapter.

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.code

the code of PageInformation

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.endIndex

the index of the end element in this page.

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.firstCharacterOffsetInPage

the offset of the first character in page.

Highlights com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.highlightsInPage

all Highlights in this page.

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.numberOfChaptersInBook

the number of chapter that epub has.

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.numberOfPagesInBook

the total number of pages for global pagination

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.numberOfPagesInChapter

the total page number of this chapter.

String com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.pageDescription

the description on this page.

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.pageIndex

the page index from the start of this chapter.

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.pageIndexInBook

the page index for global pagination

double com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.pagePositionInBook

the global postion from the start of this book.

double com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.pagePositionInChapter

the position from the start of this chapter.

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.startIndex

the index of the first element in this page.

int com.skytree.epub.PageInformation.textLengthInPage

the length of text in page

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